Pinwall let me know that they have just released a new on-device social network for BlackBerry users. Their social network is built around a BlackBerry application they created which is free. The app is a bit heavy at ~500kb but it looks really nice! So far other social networks dedicated to the BlackBerry have failed but maybe this new interface will succeed. Right now it looks like they have a catch-22 where users will only truly use the network if their friends are on it but their friends will not sign up unless they have somebody to connect with… Maybe if they offer some sort of promotion for signing up like a few free devices this might convince those critical early adopters to sign up.
Pinwall allows you to:
- Upload your personal/business profile and picture, directly from your mobile device.
- Search, find and contact new people.
- Be found and get contacted by others, via Blackberry.
- Get to know new people (and share your BB PIN).
You can download their app OTA at or read more on their website at
I wish Pinwall the best of luck. They really did a great job with this app and it looks promising. You can find me on there by searching for Ronen Halevy!
DavidB ( View Profile) - Posts: