Verizon Rolling Out Storm 9530 OS Today at 3PM EST?

Sorry for the delay on this one guys but I was incommunicado for the last 48 hours. One of trusted tipsters let me know that Verizon is scheduled to released OS for the Storm in the next few hours. Specifically it will be starting Sunday May 31st at 3PM EST:

Customers will be able to get the update via the Web at beginning Sunday, May 31 from 3 p.m. Eastern Time. Verizon Wireless will also be rolling this update out to customers through an over-the-air download beginning Sunday night (10 p.m. Eastern Time). To get the download over the air, go to Options> Advanced Options > Wireless Updates. 

Many of you have already been sporting for quite awhile but its good to see that Verizon will finally be bringing the Storm OS into 2009… Let us know when you spot the update!

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