I just love how some theme designers are thinking out-of-the-box these days. The guys at idberry are definitely at the helm of unique theme designs, at least IMO. One of their recent themes, PuzzleBerry is a mix of artsy style and colorful images…which incidentally can be your own. Let me explain…
On the home screen, you have a beach sand puzzle background which, when you choose a wallpaper of your own (a significant other, pet, car, whatever photo you like or take on your BlackBerry…) turns the theme into something more personalized. The neat part is that the wallpaper you choose fits nicely into the puzzle design so it makes for an interesting graphic image (see screen shot left).
The main page also features a bottom dock of 6 icons (the first 3 are default; messages, sms & calendar and the second 3 are customizable) and clean looking fonts. The theme worked very smoothly on the Bold version I tested but it is also available for the 8300, 8700, 8800 (OS 4.5) & 8900 (as well as the 9000). PuzzleBerry costs $5.99 and is available at our Berryreview Store. Please just make sure you read all of the information in the description before purchasing…so you know you’re getting the theme you expect.
reemany ( View Profile) - Posts: