Did You Know About AutoText Macros? Neither Did I…

autotexts[1]Earlier this week we ran a popular article about AutoTexts and how people use them to auto-complete words and save time. JerryD enlightened me to the fact that there are actually macros that you can use in your AutoText setup to make entering certain information even simpler and easier to keep up to date. These seem to be different than the “mypin” and other such macros. I just love learning something new…

Here are the ones he found so far:

  • %p –> your devices phone number
  • %P –> your devices PIN number
  • %o –> your name that you have listed under Options>Owner
  • %O –> your owner information under Options>Owner such as company, address, work, fax…

JerryD combined these macros into a simple way to create a signature on your BlackBerry by only typing a few letters.

  • sig = %o%O
  • sigg = %o%O%p
  • siggg = %o%O%p H: (555) 555-5555

This lets you setup the AutoText "sig" to equal "%o%O", "sigg" which adds my cell number to the above, and "siggg" which adds my home number to that.

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