Ronen’s Vacation Giveaway – Best BlackBerry Withdrawal Story Wins $25!


I’m back!!! My beautiful wife and I just got back from a weeklong vacation out in the Bahamas and had a blast. Kudos to the rest of the team for holding up the fort while I was out. I almost did not notice that I was without my BlackBerry for a WEEK! Cell service is spotty out on the islands and AT&T roaming costs a fortune so I left my BlackBerry in the hotel safe and vacationed circa 1990s style. The closest I got to a BlackBerry was a BTC shop selling the BlackBerry Bold for $755!

IMG_8525For the last 9+ years I cannot remember a time where I was a week without my BlackBerry or at least a cell phone. Nothing crazy happened while I was going through withdrawal but I was constantly checking my belt loop for my missing appendage… Though I did get a kiss from a dolphin. 🙂

So I decided to pose the question to all of you. Tell us your best story about BlackBerry withdrawal and by Sunday May 24th, 2009 at 11:59 PM EST. The top story, chosen by our top notch team, will win their choice of a $25 Amazon gift certificate or $25 PayPal payment.


  • Stories must be left as comments to this article
  • Submissions must be received by Sunday May 24th, 2009 at 11:59 PM EST
  • Multiple submissions are allowed
  • You must include a valid email address along with the tip or else we won’t be able to contact you if you win.
  • If you are selected as the winner we will do our best to get you your prize as long as it is allowed by law. For example, if you live in Nigeria you are probably out of luck.
  • We reserve the right to modify, end, or cancel this promotion at any time at our sole discretion.
  • The winner can choose that the $25 USD prize be delivered through either PayPal OR an Amazon gift certificate. (Keep in mind that PayPal will probably deduct some fees.)

Good luck!!!

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