Tethering your BlackBerry on a Mac has always been a chore compared to a PC. This is because RIM has never released a modem driver for the Mac like they package with Desktop Manager. While TetherBerry might have been superfluous for Windows it has a real use for Mac users. Currently I have only been able to tether my BlackBerry with my MacBook over Bluetooth which is slow, cumbersome, and a real battery drain. I was hoping for a free solution but I can see users forking over the hefty $49.95 to tether over USB.
Right now the beta is free until they launch their release candidate. It works on Leopard only now but Tiger support is coming soon.
Instructions for the beta from TetherBerry:
- Leopard Mac Version: www.tetherberry.com/d/TetherBerry.dmg
- Run the setup file and install our software. Make sure to set your TetherBerry adapter to run in DHCP mode
- Download our BlackBerry software by opening the following URL with your BlackBerry device, from the browser at http://tetherberry.com/d/tetherberry.jad
- The first time the TetherBerry application is run on your phone you will be asked what type of connection to use. Please try Default first as this works for most of our users. If you are having problems connecting you can change the setting through the menu to be Direct as this is the next best option for most people. As a final resort, try the BES/MDS option.
- You should be asked to plug in your BlackBerry to your PC, if you haven’t already done so. If you have a password set on your BlackBerry the software on the PC will ask you for that password. You only have 10 attempts!
- You should now be able to surf the web. Please turn off any bandwidth consuming applications like BitTorrent to ensure high speeds.
- If you are seeing an error for "Tunnel Failed", this means you need to set the correct APN and make sure all permissions have been granted to TetherBerry on your BlackBerry device.
Matt Not Registered
Posted: May 7, 2009 at 7:28 PM EST
Only issue is I find it TERRIBLY sloooow……Im on a 3G network, but this is brutally slow. Is the beta limited in anyway?
I am using a Bold 9000 + Macbook Pro (10.5.6)