After you get over the funny name Gwabbit looks like a really cool application idea for BlackBerry. It automatically detects contact information in the signatures of emails and lets you add or update contacts based on that information. They have a very popular Outlook plugin that does the same thing but this is a first for BlackBerry. It almost makes me wonder why RIM did not think of this first…
The main flaw with Gwabbit is that it is based on a subscription model which makes no sense for such an application. It costs $9.95/year from the App World (sorry cant link to App World) compared to the one time fee of their desktop applications. VentureBeat looked into this and found out that this is because the company does the processing on their servers since the BlackBerry cannot handle it which is why they charge a monthly fee. This kind of scares me since it sounds like all of my emails will be going through their servers to process out the contacts. 🙁
As I said it is a really cool idea but its execution is a bit problematic with a subscription fee and the security of your emails & contacts…
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