Rebaterus Strikes – Dilbert Parodies Rebate Hell…

Looks like Scott Adams decided to take a whack at rebate companies with his Dilbert strip. I personally abhor rebates especially for cellphones. Some companies have such ass-backwards rebate policies like forcing you to send in the rebate 3 months after you purchased the phone with a proof of your third bill… You have to photocopy everything to make sure they don’t “lose” it. Amazon has recently rectified their annoying rebate policies with instant rebates but some of these rebates are tied to the vendor policies.

On the other hand I know some people love rebates. The few people who actually fill them out like clockwork every time and reap the reward of all of their fellow users giving up on the system. Personally I don’t figure the rebate into my purchasing decisions.  I assume from the start that I probably will never see the money. (We are the knights who say…)

via Gizmodo

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