So what’s on your mind? We often don’t know what’s on our own mind, or rather we do, but there is so much going on that we fail to manage it adequately. So in this day and age people have come up with the concept of “mind maps”, idea charts that help you keep tabs on all your plans and ideas and how they relate to each other and what consequences they may have on other things. Hopefully, you will achieve more in less time with those maps.
You can have mind maps on your BlackBerry, too. MindBerry does just that. You can capture your thoughts at any moment so it’s hard to forget anything, create a to do list, take notes or organize tasks any time, and transfer your mindmaps from the computer to your BlackBerry so you can access your mindmaps from anywhere, among other features. The new version 1.0.91 brings the following features:
- Fast, intuitive navigation, MindBerry using the BlackBerry trackball or the numeric keys to navigate from a node to another node.
- Support folding/unfolding with the spacebar key.
- Use shortcuts to access all editing features.
- Drag and drop selected nodes.
- Cut’n’paste selected nodes.
- Scroll through mindmaps using the trackball.
- Decorate nodes with icons, colors, fonts, styles.
- Attach notes to mindmaps.
- Edit long multiline nodes.
- Save and load mindmaps to/from the BlackBerry media card or device memory.
- Send mindmaps via email.
- Import and export both Freemind and MindManager.
They have a video demonstration at their Web site that showcases the application pretty well. The most important thing about MindBerry is it makes use of the BlackBerry QWERTY keyboard shortcuts for quick editing. That means, however, that MindBerry is not so user friendly on the Storm. I’ve read that they’re still working to improve the user experience on the Storm. They also have a discussion list at Google Groups so you can join and voice your concerns, it sounds like they are listening.