I sometimes get slack for posting about girlie themes (usually from male readers, of course 😉 ) but there’s no question there are plenty of us gals sporting a BlackBerry these days. Guys, we love ya… but girls just wanna have fun! And yeah, part of that fun is having our Berry adorned with girlish themes – which there simply just aren’t enough of. So ladies, I got your back!
Those of you who have the Bold are really gonna be happy with this hot Zebra theme. Designed by BBHottie23 over at Themes4BB, Zebra is not super complicated in its set-up. In fact, it’s a pretty basic design. The graphics do all the work in making this theme totally hot and fun. Sharp Zebra wallpapers and pink icons/accents show right away your devilishly girlish style and look super cool on the Bold. This is a freebie and currently only available for the Bold – but for those of you who want it for a different device – follow the link and, if you make enough requests (and maybe send a donation), she may just make it for more devices. Free Zebra OTA can be found at Themes4BB.
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