Found online: OS 5.0 for the Curve 8900

Well, I guess the cat is out of the bag. We posted about a leaked OS 5.0 for the Bold just a few hours ago, and it’s time for the Curve 8900 already. I wonder which device will be next. Probably the Storm. Will there be one for the 8220, too? Other Pearls and Curves? The 8700 series? Stay tuned.

For the time being, here is the link for the OS 5.0 for the Curve 8900. Mind you, it’s a Rapidshare link and no one really knows where these leaks come from. Nothing official, supported or anything. In this case, more than ever, our usual warnings apply.

Our usual warnings always apply: do not download and install these updates if you don’t know what you’re doing. Incorrect procedure or just bad luck could render your BlackBerry inoperative or unstable.

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