Premium Regal Theme from Artistic-Me.Com


It’s always a treat when theme designer Brandy comes out with a new theme design. Her latest, ‘RegalBB‘ is all that and more. I was able to test the demo version for the Bold (which the only difference between the demo version and final version is that on the final version, the theme is completely wallpaper friendly) and it ran smooth and easy. The dark, customized, wallpaper background is very rich and stylized. The cool looking icons on the ‘platinum’ style bottom dock makes for a very nice set-up. Overall, an extremely well executed theme.


A brief description from Brandy’s site is below but more info can be found here.

Description: Regal is a retro inspired Bottom Zen theme that features a dark patterned wallpaper, accented by slick black icons and silver metal elements. It’s available for 81xx, 83xx, 88xx (OS 4.5), 89xx, 90xx (Bold) and 95xx (Storm) BlackBerry devices. (Theme is not compatible with the 8350i, sorry.)

RegalBB costs $6.99 and is available at Artistic-Me.Com!

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