9530 Storm OS Found Online

Secret Agent McK sent in a link to OS leaked online for the Bell Storm. You may need to delete some vendor.alx files but it should work. From what I hear the OS is pretty good but no promises!

Download @ Megaupload

Let us know what you find in the new OS versions in the comments below. Keep the tips coming!

NOTE: Do not install this software if you do not know what you are doing. It may make your BlackBerry FUBAR or just plain angry.

8 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Usually the OS files have a single EXE that you run. This RAR file has COD files and I didnt see any EXE. I am not an expert on this, so will not try and install it.

  2. A Bell user zipped up the java and cdma folders from their install and uploaded for users. If you are feeling adventurous, you just copy these files and replace them over the current installation.

  3. Did a manual install. a
    1. Downloaded the rar file > Unzip the rar file to local drive>
    2. Renamed CDMA and Java folders under C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\Shared\Loader Files\9530-v4.7.0.113_P4.0.0.144
    3. Copied over the two new folders (CDMA and Java) to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\Shared\Loader Files\9530-v4.7.0.113_P4.0.0.144
    4. Renamed my vendor.xml under the AppLoader folder
    5. Then hooked up my bb storm via usb
    6. Executed the loader.exe from “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader”
    7. The installation went well (took about 10 minutes)
    8. I’m in gamma mode now and all is looking GOOD

    • I did this install and as expected had to restore my device data. No problem b/c it runs very, very quickly now. The only thing is I can’t get applications like Brick Breaker to reinstall. MemoPad, BrickBreaker, and other Blackberry apps are not going back on. They’re saying that their version is not designed for my version of the Storm now. Any workaround on this? Otherwise, I was able to reinstall Visual Voicemail, VZ Navigator, and other programs without a problem. So far, this looks good. I’ll post more as I use it more.

  4. Is the OS can run for storm 9500?

  5. This is for the 9500 only! If you have a 9530 you have to take the JAVA and CDMA files out of this version and replace them in the .113 or .114 version then update via APP LOADER! Go to Crackberry.com for for details and instructions.

  6. como abro app loader no me deja hago todo elimino vendor.exe y loaderexe no abre que hago

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