BOLT Browser 0.94 Released: Fixes Erratic Scrolling Issue

poweredbyBOLT_revisedTom let me know that BOLT has released a new beta version of their free (during beta) browser for BlackBerry. It finally fixes the erratic scrolling issue found in previous versions on the BlackBerry. I love how that fix is considered a new feature…

BOLT’s new features include:

  • Significantly improved BlackBerry scrolling speed and control
  • A new 3XL (extra large) magnification mode with content 33.3 percent bigger than in 2XL
  • Double tap approach to select links on touchscreen devices like the BlackBerry storm (eliminates inadvertent clicks)
  • Wi-Fi auto-selection as default option when Wi-Fi is both enabled and available
  • Save and view pages locally on the phone
  • Support for folders in favorites
  • A new landscape viewing feature
  • Copy and paste feature
  • Improved magnifier dragging in split screen mode on the BlackBerry Storm
  • A user preferences page to reduce menu clutter, especially useful on BlackBerry smartphones where the native menu structure, without sub-menus, is utilized.

You can pick up this latest version of BOLT at or by heading to this download link directly.

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