One of our Secret Agents let me know that OS for the 8350i has officially been released by Sprint.
You can pick it up officially from this link
This upgrade allegedly fixes:
- Echo Issue (Didn’t we hear that with the LAST OS update?)
- MMS Improvements: Remove original message when replying; Cursor now defaults to message body when replying
- Quiet and vibrate profiles will now not have incoming Direct Connect calls blaring over your speakerphone
- Master Radio Reset will no longer cause the device to reboot (?)
Note: Do not install this software if you do not know what you are doing. It may make your BlackBerry FUBAR or just plain angry. You will need to delete the vendor.xml file to install on another carrier.
Let us know what you find in the new OS versions in the comments below. Keep the tips coming!
Michael Not Registered
Posted: April 3, 2009 at 10:42 AM EST
The .128 patch was not advertised for as the fix for the echo issue.
Master Rasio Resets always cause a device to reboot. How else do you reset the radio and software?