Premium Pink theme for the 8100, 8300, 8800 & 9000

Theme designer Seville is showing us ladies some love with his latest theme design, Pink.

Pink is for all the ladies out there who have been missing ‘girly’ theme designs for your BlackBerry. It comes in Bottom Zen and Today styles. I was able to play with this theme on my Bold and it runs very smoothly. The fonts in the ‘messages’ application for example are very ‘bubbly’ in style which, maybe be little hard to read for some, but go very nicely with the overall concept. The icons are basic ‘Bold like’ icons but highlight to cute pink flowers when you select them. A clean, yet pretty theme that’s available for 8100, 8300, 8800 (4.5) and 9000 devices and costs only $3.00 over at


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