Evo from www.blueroomsolution.com let me know that he created a theme called BabyMac for the BlackBerry 8900, with some help from Ecruz. These is a Mac inspired theme that comes in 4 different versions; a bottom zen, animated icons, and Today and a scrolling today plus. For those of you who are Mac fans this would be a great theme. The home screen icons are small, the reason being is that Evo manage to resize the icons on the home screen to a smaller size, an option that I wish Plazmic would make standard on theme builder. I am impressed with how well designed this theme is, looks simple a first glance but having made theme before I know there not easy to make.
There are 4 different version to fit your own style or need.
The first one is the Zen style which allows you to customize or arrange the icons in the home screen in whatever order you like including 3rd party apps.
The second version is the animated icons which makes the smaller icons pop up to a larger size icon making it a lot easier for you to tell which Icon you have selected.
The 3rd version is a Today plus bottom zen which displays the your calendar on the home screen a long with your zen style icons at the bottom.
The 4th version of this theme only displays your today options as your scroll through the icons and hides once you scroll to a none today icon.
To get your hands on this theme simply go to www.blueroomsolution.com or point your BlackBerry browser to the OTA links below.
Normal Version All Home Screen icons Half size.
Animated Icon Version Icons raise, and convert to full size as you scroll.
Today Version Today items show as you scroll.
Normal Today Version
jforce ( View Profile) - Posts: