Premium Movie Star Theme for the 8900 & 9000

The designers at idberry (who’s Disco theme you might remember I did a post on recently) have also created another interesting theme called, Movie Star.


Currently available for 8900 & 9000 devices, Movie Star is really a very new and cool concept in themes. Why? Because on the main screen you have a customizable white area where you can put your own picture in (see screen shot below). You do have to find a picture that lines up correctly with the space allotted but once you do, it looks pretty darn awesome. The other neat feature, much like I mentioned on the Disco theme, is on the bottom left where the icon setting flows through (8) customizable icons as you move your trackball. So again, you only have one icon on the main page at a time so the home screen always looks neat, yet you have quick access to your most used apps.


I tested Movie Star on my Bold and this one worked perfectly. I really like the overall high quality and edgy design on this theme. Available for $5.99 regularly, Movie Star can be purchased for $2.99 until March 31st at the links below. Enjoy!

Movie Star for the 8900

Movie Star for the 9000

2 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Nice theme!

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