Our buddy Bla1ze spotted a new beta of TwitterBerry available that adds a few new features that many will welcome. There has been a rash of new Twitter clients recently but TwitterBerry is the oldest and remains free. Check out the change log below to see what’s new!
New Features:
- OS 4.2.1+: Includes improved TwitPic support. Look for the ‘Send to TwitterBerry’ menu in the Media application when viewing images. TwitPic uploads are sent over direct TCP connections, see ‘Connection Help’ in the Settings page
- OS 4.2.1+: TwitPic progress bar, to show the progress of the upload
- OS 4.3.0+: Wi-Fi support for all connections
- Full tweets on the list screen. No need to click to open new tweets
- Improved network connectivity, adding support for WAP 2.0
- Hyperlink “@username” in tweets to visit their timeline
- Re-Tweet tweets from timelines or tweet views
- Optional HTTPS SSL support on all authenticated requests
- Background on close under ‘Configure’
- Multiple bug fixes
- New localizations: Portuguese
You can pick up the latest beta OTA at this link or read more at this link.
RENEE Not Registered
Posted: March 23, 2009 at 12:25 PM EST
Twit pic shows status bar but still doesn’t work.
W Not Registered
Posted: March 23, 2009 at 1:31 PM EST
This is not ready for distro