Update: 9530 OS (Hybrid?) Found Online

Update: It looks like this might actually be a RIM sourced release so I might have been a bit hasty with the Hybrid labeling. On the other hand there are some indications pointing towards it incorporating files from a 9500 build of .113 such as an older radio file. Not sure if that makes a difference though…

With that said our buddy the Fantom sent me a few tidbits. There is a new OS online for the 9530 dubbed OS making its rounds online.

You can pick it up at this link @ Filefront

On a side note it looks like Verizon will be releasing an official upgrade for the 9530 Storm in the next week. Supposedly a new build for the 8900 Curve & Bold are also in the works for the near future.

Let us know what you find in the new OS versions in the comments below. Keep the tips coming!

NOTE: Do not install this software if you do not know what you are doing. It may make your BlackBerry FUBAR or just plain angry.

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