Two New & Cool FREE Themes for the Storm

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We got in two tips this from readers this week for two different Storm themes.

The first tip came in from Xavier who told us about this brand new theme (shownn top left) called, BBLeather Hidden Today Plus. Designed by Rodalfa, BB Leather features a rich black leather background and cool translucent icons. According to the designer, “The first 4 icons are fixed (messages, calendar, SMS+MMS and Call log), the following 11 and personalized. The font used is BBCasual.” Going by the screen shots, this is one smooth looking theme. AND it’s available for FREE (OTA) at the Crackberry Forums. More information, including screen shots, can be found at the link above. If you’ve got the Storm, this is definitely worth a try!

The second tip came in from Phoenix who was kind enough to tell us about this totally awesome theme designed by SadosDemetrios called, Art Gallery v1. The home screen features the famous Mona Lisa painting with two ornate candles on either side (which BTW are actually the battery and signal meter indicators…how neat!) and icons that are mini works of art. What is super awesome about this theme is that, according to the designer (per screen shot shown above right), you can change the Mona Lisa image to your own picture. IMO, that’s a definite plus! Art Gallery is also free to Storm users (in both OTA and ZIP) but donations are certainly welcome. More information, and the downloadable files, can be found over at Pinstack Forums.

1 comment on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Would like to download the BBLeather Theme.

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