Will a Textured Touch Screen Protector Improve The Storm?

Phoenix let me know about a thread on PinStack by the owner of Creative Business Solutions Rob. Rob is in the late stages of development of a textured screen protector for the Storm. It will essentially add some tactile feedback based on different textures on the screen protector. For example, if you look at your computer keyboard you will probably see that the F & J keys have little nubs sticking out of them to help you find them when you are touch typing. This upcoming Storm screen protector would do something similar by letting you feel the keys that you are pressing. The only downside is that the textures will only be for the QWERTY keyboard in landscape OR portrait mode not both.

At first I did not think this was a big deal until I started reading the responses. It looks like Storm users would really appreciate such a think. I also touch type on my Bold so I can kind of see the appeal. On the other hand having to wait for the SurePress screen to reset after each click is the most annoying part of typing on the Storm.

So what do you think? Are you interested in a “Smart Cover” screen protector? If so let the designer know in the PinStack forum thread.

4 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. I think typing touch on blackberry is not OS but it is an app. Devices keysboard programed in OS.

    When app is frozed will still typing touch on storm?

    I prefect choose Bold BB because want screen stay clean.

  2. The screen on the storm is so nice. I just can’t see putting a textured screen protector on it. I think I would find it annoying when using many of the other apps for the Storm. The landscape qwerty keyboard actually rotates depending on which way you are holding the phone. To hide the keyboard you swipe it away, but the bumps would still be there. Typing on a Storm takes practice, but can be fast. The Surepress click that has to reset claim in the blog post is just an opinion. It re sets the same as a button on your Bold keyboard. Just as quick. Do you have to wait for it to reset?
    I used to have a Curve and would touch type on it. Coming to the Storm was very difficult, but now typing has gotten soooo much better for me. Just IMHO 🙂

  3. Better than trying to improve click typing, it would be better to enable ‘touch’ typing ie no screen clicks required as other touch screen phones. This would improve speed and reduce fatigue no end. It is possible for instance Opera mini doesn’t require clicks to select items on the Storm.

  4. Hey guys.. I have a screen protector on my storm and Its a textured finger print resistant screen protector. I just recently got it from Iskin.com (yes I know this is for apple products) However it pretty much fit the screen perfectly.(I did have to cut just a tiny bit off to avoid hitting the top when pressing the screen.) I have noticed that I have better control of the device. I seem to be able to scroll much easier and it responds well. Not to mention I don’t have finger prints on the screen so I no longer have to wipe my screen free of prints. The protector that I got is static cling and can be washed and reused. It was only 9.99 and is probably one of the best accessories I have purchased for my storm thus far!

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