Emacf1 released another free/donationware application recently called GPSLogger. It is a simple offline GPS logging application that records your movements using GPS. The nice part is that unlike other applications it stores it on your BlackBerry so it does not have an online component. This appeals to my security conscious side that just wants to track my trip or hike without sharing… GPSLogger is free but the developer is asking for donations if you want to support its development. The app lets you save GPX or KML files that you can open up in Google Earth and other applications and view your log. Pretty cool if I may say so myself.
Homepage: bb.emacf1.com/gpslogger.html
What you can do with GPSLogger?
- Record your movement (as long as you take your BB with you) 😉
- Display current Position:
- Longitude / Latitude
- accuracy for Longitude & Latitude values
- # of Satellites
- current altitude (in WGS84)
- current course/heading
- current speed [Ø speed (if available)]
- travel distance
- travel time
- While recording you can mark your current position and specify a Note for it
- While recording you can pause & resume the recording
- Copy your current location data [Lon|Lat|Alt] into the Clipboard to be able to paste it in a SMS or eMail (or where ever you like)
- 4 different Main views:
- Path View: 2D-View of Longitude & Latitude values
- Elevation View: Altitude over time
- Speed View: Speed over Time
- GPS View: Longitude / Latitude / Speed / course in a large font
- Switch between Day/Night Mode
- Options:
- Select GPSLogger Font Size:
- Small (= BB Default Font Size/1.5) [GPSLogger default]
- Medium (= BB Default Font Size/1.25)
- Large (= BB Default Font Size)
- Specify the initial view of GPSLogger
- Specify if the background should be always ON
- Select NightMode Color Scheme [Yellow/Red/Green/Blue]
- Specify the sample frequence (in which period the application will record the current position)
- Directory on your BB device to which your Paths will be recorded (can be also SDCard)
- Units in which the Data will be displayed (Metric/Imperial/Nautical)
- Confirm Exit (default OFF)
- Export Directory on your BB device
- Specify the recipient list (when you have chosen eMail-Export) – separated multiple recipient eMail addresses by space
- Export format(s): KML (GoogleEarth), GPX (+GPX MapSource compatible)
- Select GPSLogger Font Size:
- Load previously recorded Paths
- Navigate with the trackball through your Path
- Navigate with the Keyboard through your Path
- a|s: Start Position
- e|r: End Position
- y/z|x: 15 Positions back
- c|v: 1 Position back
- b|n 1 Position forward
- m: 15 Positions forward
- Load previously recorded paths into the Background (as many as you like) to compare the current (e.g. recording) Path with previously recorded Paths. [e.g. to compare your actual hiking or biking route with the ones you did in the past]
- Export a Path to GPX/KML (depeding on your Settings) to the BB filesystem
- Export a Path to GPX/KML and send it automatically by BB-eMail to a recipient (list) [recipients configurable in options dialog]
- The exported KML files can be loaded into GoogleEarth and you can get a detailed view of your paths
- The exported GPX file contains the following information about each recorded location (not all the info is included in the Mapsource compatible output):
- Longitude / Latitude
- Altitude (in WGS84)
- Timestamp
- Course/heading
- Name of the Point (if it’s a named waypoint)
- # of Satellites
- Accuracy for Longitude & Latitude values
Nikolaus Walch ( View Profile) - Posts: