RIM Releases MySpace 1.5: View Your Friends Updates

I had been hearing some rumors that Facebook 1.5 was supposed to be released this week or next but I guess MySpace got an update instead. RIM just let me know that they have released MySpace version 1.5 with quite a few new features and enhancements. The best one in my opinion is that you can now view your friends updates from within the application.


Major changes or enhancements:

  • Friend Updates: Users can now view their MySpace Friend Updates from within the application, and click on a thumbnail of a photo in the Friend Updates to be taken to a full screen version.
  • Enhanced updates and messaging: Instantaneous mobile notifications and messaging (no lag time between receiving a message online and on mobile). Users can also save a composed message/bulletin as a draft, delete and open a saved draft message to edit/send the message, and view or hide sent items.
  • Enhanced band profiles: Bands can add tour dates and more profile bits to their profiles, like Upcoming Shows (displays more details on the show such as venue, date, address and cost)
  • Support for French, German, Italian and Spanish languages

Let me know if they missed any updates in the list. You can pick up the latest version by heading to mobile.blackberry.com or www.blackberry.com/myspace from your desktop or BlackBerry.

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  1. Does anyone even use MySpace any more? I have a page on there but have been over that site since the Grammy’s gave a shout out to Facebook and Twitter.

    Poor MySpace.

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