Updated BerryReview.com Mobile Homescreen Launcher

A few readers were complaining that the original BerryReview homescreen launcher application was not always working so I decided to do some digging. Turns out that it sometimes failed to launch the browser in certain situations. Our friend Fabian (Developer of VibAndRing, SwitchDisplayOn, & more) hooked us up with a new homescreen icon that works like a charm.

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In case you do not know, a homescreen launcher will put an icon on your BlackBerry homescreen that will take you directly to the BerryReview.com Mobile Edition homepage. Let us know if it works for you! You can pick up the BerryReview.com Mobile Launcher application at the link below from your BlackBerry.


We have also updated the link to the launcher application on the BerryReview.com Mobile Edition homepage.

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