One Third Of Children With Cellphone By Age 8 – How About A BlackBerry?

Nokia_5120 I remember my first cellphone. It was a Nokia 5120 and I got it about when I was 18. I also bought my first MP3 player that year with 64mb of storage! It looks like the times have truly and utterly changed. The Telegraph is reporting back that 35% of children in a recent study owned a cellphone by age 8. On top of that 3/4ths of them had at least one cellphone by age 15.

Pretty crazy. Having a voice line is one thing but how many of these kids have smartphones. I know that quite a few of the other writers on BerryReview have kids under 18 with BlackBerrys. I just cant imagine that many parents forking over the extra cash for the data plan.

To put in my 2 cents I have to say that this trend of always being connected for kids has its downsides. When I was a kid if you had an issue you had to tough it out until you got home and talked to your parents. Now I see kids calling their parents during break as a constant lifeline.

What do you think? Do your kids have a cellphone? How about a BlackBerry?

via Telegraph via CrunchGear

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