BBTetris v3 Released – Free Tetris Game Gets High Scores & Better Backgrounds

The last time we mentioned Papped’s BBTetris it was at version 1.52. Since then it has been under active development and is now sitting pretty at version 3 at least for my Bold. I don’t have a great change log but I can tell you that the new High Score feature and backgrounds are vastly improved. The overall look of the game is also nice and slick. Keep up the good work Papped!

BBtetris[2] BBtetris[1] BBtetris[3]

Control in the game is better but sadly you can only click in the trackball to flip pieces. I hope the developer lets you use both the Q button and the trackball to flip. It would also be nice to be able to hit the space key to make the piece fall all the way down. The app also does not remember your last game position if you close it but it does recover if you get a call and leave it running. The sound also turns on again every time you start the game. (I now have the classic Tetris song stuck in my head!)

All in all this is shaping up into a great free game for BlackBerry. If you like it the developer is accepting donations at this link.

You can pick up the new version at one of the links below:

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