Gary from Made Simple Learning let me know that they have released a new book appropriately titled “BlackBerry 8900 Curve Made Simple.” They have also released quite a few of their other books in paperback on Amazon if you want to buy them as a gift. I used to always recommend Stinsondogs BlackBerry tips for newbies, but those have not been updated since the Bold. Now I am thinking of picking up one of these guides and just handing it to frustrated users when they ask me a question. 🙂
The BlackBerry Made Simple line of books is intended to be a definitive guide for BlackBerry users and includes:
- Dozens of hidden or little-known time-saving tips and tricks.
- Using the Wi-Fi and GPS Features of the Curve ™ 8900
- Synchronizing your BlackBerry with your Windows™ or Mac™ computer.
- How to squeeze every ounce of power from the Address Book, Calendar, Tasks and MemoPad.
- How to become “Master of Your BlackBerry Email”
- How to use Google Sync for true “Wireless Sync” without an Enterprise Server
- Support for both BlackBerry Internet Service and Corporate BlackBerry Enterprise Server users.
- Tips and tricks to unlock the rich Media Features of the BlackBerry 8900.
- How to turn your 8900 into something that could replace a video and audio “iPod™”
- How to use your 8900 for Mapping (including Google Maps.)
- Learn how to go Online as well as update your Facebook and MySpace pages – right from your BlackBerry
Check out the paperback BlackBerry Made Simple books on Amazon or on their website in digital form or in the store.