BlinkWhileCall: LED Blinks Purple When You Get a Call

blinkwhilecall This latest application from Fabian is targeted at a specific group of users. Most users, including me, would think that an application that makes your LED blink a different color during a call is useless. On the other hand, I know quite a few people who leave their BlackBerrys on silent with vibrate turned off all day. This is because they do not want it to make a peep during a client meeting or such. These users rely upon RIM’s blinking red and green lights to tell them when to check their BlackBerrys. The problem is that the LED light blinks red for emails/calls/SMS and a bunch of other things.

BlinkWhileCall creates a specific exception: your BlackBerry LED will blink purple when you get a call to make it easy to differentiate. I wish it would also let you do the same for SMS or level 1 messages or the like, but I guess something is better than nothing.

BlinkWhileCall is available in the store right now, but for some reason it comes in two flavors with two different prices. There is a Bold & Storm BlinkWhileCall app for $1.99 and a version for all other devices for $3. Not sure why, but I will ask Fabian. Personally, I think somebody needs to create an all in one application including this feature and others, kind of like TweakUI for Windows XP.

From the description:

Everyone knows the problem: You don’t want the phone to ring, but still want to know when someone is calling. The internal red-LED-notification is too dark and you don’t know if it’s mail, SMS or a call…

Here is a solution! The small application BlinkWhileCall blinks fast with the bright purple LED when you receive a call. If you set the device to silent, you can still get notified!

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