Deal! Free 8900 Holster with Purchase of 8900 Charging Pod – $18.99 + Shipping

eShopLimited let me know about a pretty cool combo deal they have going until February 16th. All of you 8900 users can pick up a RIM 8900 Charging Pod and get a free Premium Holster for your BlackBerry. The holsters are like the old school RIM plastic holsters instead of the useless cases RIM usually gives us nowadays.

8900chargingpod 8900holster

The combo deal for the 8900 Charging Pod along with the Premium Holster goes for $18.99. Shipping was pretty reasonable at about ~$8 to ship to my apartment in NYC.

To pick it up follow these instructions:

  1. Go to the 8900 Charging Pod product page
  2. Add the item to your cart
  3. Use the coupon code PRLVE and it will automatically add the 8900 Holster to your cart for free
  4. Complete the checkout

Let me know if you pick one up!

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