VyMail v0.8.35 Released – Free YouMail Client Gets Updated

VyMail_screen_message_listThe official YouMail client does not seem to be ready for prime time quite yet so I would recommend sticking with the free VyMail client for now. The developer, Joe, released an update yesterday adding a few more features and fixing some bugs as you can see in the list below. You can pick up the latest version OTA at this link or get the desktop download at the product page.


  • Added: Multi-selection in the voice mail list view
  • Added: Home screen icon changes on new messages
  • Added: Alerts on new messages (manage them under your standard ringer profiles)
  • Added: Headset and Bluetooth support
  • Added: Ability to change audio output directly from the message detail screen
    • Added: Player progress bar
    • Added: Key shortcuts to message detail screen:
      o space – play/pause
      o shift+space – restart playback
      o f – flag/unflag
      o r – mark read
      o delete – delete the message
      o c – call the number that left the message
  • Changed: The color and padding values of the second line in the list display (hopefully this improves readability with pearls, et al)
  • Fixed: PIN field only allows numeric input now
  • Fixed: Changing connection type did not take affect until device reset
  • Fixed: Ribbon icon only displays if VyMail is currently active, and will now activate the application.

Thanks Jordan, Tom, & Nikolaus for sending this one in!

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