I have to admit I was a bit confused myself when details started coming out about the BlackBerry Application Center & Application Storefront. They all got jumbled together for me so I thought I would clarify it for all of you in case you were in the same boat. I decided to ask RIM just to make sure I had it right and they gave me the lowdown.
BlackBerry Application Center Details:
- Confirmed details:
- The Application Center is carrier run and managed
- Carriers will decide which application will be available on devices
- These applications will be available for download on the device only
- Carriers deal with billing themselves (not PayPal)
- Unconfirmed details:
- Bold & Storm may be the only supported devices at launch (via IntoMobile)
BlackBerry Application Storefront Details:
- Confirmed details:
- Application storefront will be run by RIM
- This application storefront will have an on device AND a web presence (not sure if that means an application)
- RIM will choose which applications will be in the Storefront based on developer submissions
- Billing at launch will be only through PayPal with other channels to com
- Business AND customer focused applications should be accepted as long as they do not require customization and integration services.
- Applications must adhere to the Application Storefront Vendor Guidelines
- Other details (credit goes out to CNet)
- Developers will get 80% of sale
- 20% of sale will go to PayPal/Carriers/RIM in an undisclosed breakdown.
- Applications using “Excessive bandwidth” will not be accepted (SlingPlayer?)
- Free trials will be available (Take that Apple)
- A rating system will be available but not sure about reviews…
alb123 ( View Profile) - Posts: