myCallLogs Released – Save Call Information & Duration To Your Calendar

calllogs ToySoft let me know that they have released a new application that allows you to save all your incoming, outgoing, & missed calls to your calendar on your Berry. It even supports conference calls and identifies each call and incoming or outgoing. My favorite part is that it stores the duration of the call also.

This makes it a great way to bill and track your time on the phone. From the calendar you can then easily add a note/reminder to the entry giving it some more functionality. I think this is a great way to free your call log from your BlackBerry since RIM does not offer a simple way to export it.

There is a trial version available at this link after which you can pick up the app in the store for $6.95.

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  1. Maybe I’m not doing something right, but I can’t get the trial version from the OTA link to work on my Bold.

    It installs, then runs, but when I click on the Trial button, it brings me to a general help screen. From there, my only options are Close and About, neither which lets the app run (I’ve tested this by receiving and making a few calls).

    Anyone had better luck?

    • that is what you see. the instructions on the main screen.

      once you installed you need to run the Calendar application to see the call logs.

      that is what myCallLogs does. Savings all incoming, outgoing and missed calls to the Calendar application.

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