We mentioned Papped’s BBTetris game last week and quite a few of you were excited to get your hands on it. It was designed for the Bold, but Papped has extended support to the 83XX & 8900 devices’ higher and lower resolution screens. The game also plays on other devices, but the backgrounds may be cut up.
The new version 1.52 brings quite a few new features to the free game:
- Equalized music volume for the 3 songs
- Sound off/on wasn’t always properly playing a song
- Sound effect on line clear
- Added grid to play area
- Fixed the music randomization issue
- Last Score displays during the game
- Randomizes between 3 tetris songs
- Game pauses and shows score when game ends (only last score for now)
- Game should pause when you minimize/get a call/etc.
Nice work, Papped, on giving the users what they want! Keep up the good work.
You can pick up the latest version here:
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