Free ‘Dontcha’ Theme for the Pearl Flip

One of the original theme designers, Steve (from PimpMyBerry.Com) recently sent in a few of his latest theme designs for the Blackberry 8220. The one that caught my eye was ‘Dontcha‘ (as in “Dontcha wish your Berry was hot like this..”) and I kinda wish it was. I mean, I love my Bold, but when I see cool themes like this for the Flip, I really want to have the ability to test them out.  The main screen, features 3 ‘silver bar’ rows (they look almost  3D don’t they?) each of 5 user-customizable icons that are free scrolling (left, right, up, down) set on top of a vivid gradient background. Just going by the screen shots one can tell that this is a very functional theme that looks rich and clean. Dontcha is available as a free OTA at PimpMyBerry.Com. Thanks Steve!



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