I know I brag all the time about how fast I can type on my BlackBerry Bold, but now I can prove it! 🙂 Fabian just released a new app called TyperSpeed that will let you test your bragging rights. You just open up the application and type the typing sample text 100% correct and it will grade you. You must type the text correctly or else you won’t get a score.
There are a few options for sample text along with 2 German texts if that is your thing. Every time you type an incorrect letter, it will vibrate and continue vibrating for every letter afterwards if you do not correct it. This will help you improve your accuracy. This can get a little screwy with SureType devices, so just turn off the vibration in that case.
Our buddy Thomas from BerryReporter told us about the application and even hooked up a deal for the first 200 buyers. The app regularly costs $2.95, but the first 200 people that go to download TyperSpeed can use the promotion code “berryreporter” to get 50% off until Feb. 1st! Sadly, there is no free trial for the app.
Check out TyperSpeed at this link in the store. Posts your scores in the comments if you pick it up!
From the description:
This application is for everyone who wants to get a view on how fast he/she can type on his/her BlackBerry device. It calculates the result in words per minute. It’s the first application of its kind for BlackBerry.
Through this you can see if you type faster on a PC-Keyboard or on your mobile device since the application uses the same calculation as other wpm-calculators.
This application also includes a high score list for the best 3 scores.
It contains 6 texts (4 English / 2 German) you can choose from; You have to type off the text and then it calculates the speed. Another option is ‘Speed Writing’. There you just type anything and when you want to calculate the speed, you simply click on Stop!
It works as follows: the application gives you a text that you have to type off and when you finished writing off the text, it shows you the time taken and the number of characters typed. Through this it calculates the average words per minute.
Now you finally have the ability to get an impression of your typing-speed. Can you break 60wpm? Do you type faster than your colleagues/friends?
- Not expensive
- First of its kind
- Vibration if you typed an error
- Very easy to use
- Improves your typing speed
- Perfect for competitions
Singer Not Registered
Posted: January 29, 2009 at 2:06 PM EST from my BlackBerry 9530
Does it support the Storm?
chris Not Registered
Posted: January 29, 2009 at 2:42 PM EST
seriously? $3 for this?
i know people need to make money, but come on.
Nikolaus Not Registered
Posted: January 29, 2009 at 2:53 PM EST
I agree! I have to pay for a program to tell me how slow I type. I already know I am all thumbs but….
Packman Not Registered
Posted: January 29, 2009 at 3:48 PM EST
Seriously? Do people actually pay for shitty apps like this?
Fabian Not Registered
Posted: January 30, 2009 at 10:09 AM EST from my BlackBerry 9000
My score is 63wpm on a Bold.
Xandrex Not Registered
Posted: February 15, 2009 at 8:10 PM EST
I can do 29wpm on a Storm !
(and 110 on a desktop keyboard)
we need more texts ! (in English !). And I don’t agree with one of the text : the typing speed truly depends on the text.
Xandrex Not Registered
Posted: February 16, 2009 at 6:00 PM EST
TyperSpeed 1.02 has just been released. It is available on the BerryReview Store. The upgrade from 1.0 is free.
I don’t know the changelog yet.