Update: I just got word from BPlay that this theme is indeed available for 8830 devices.
The other day I was visiting BPlay.Com and I happened to notice a new theme I hadn’t seen before called Betty Boop. I immediately emailed Peter and asked why he was holding back from me – LOL! I need to test this theme and I need to test it now! 🙂 Anyway, he happily obliged me and I’m so glad he did. According to Peter, Betty Boop is available for their usual line-up of devices (8100, 8220, 8300, 8800 & 9000 Blackberry devices) and it’s a darn good thing as you ladies are gonna love this one. The main page has an ornate top banner with time/date, battery and signal indicators. The bottom dock has 6 customizable icons and features our lovely Betty Boop in the center in her famous adoring pose. The icons are cool and translucent and are framed by an ornate design as you scroll over them so you know right off the icon you are selecting. All across the theme, different Betty Boop images are used and they are all adorable. The quality of the graphics are very high (they are much sharper in the actual theme than the screen shots I took below) and even the script fonts they used are perfect. The whole theme ties really well together. Gals, if you’re a Betty Boop fan, do not delay in picking up this theme. It’s available for $5.99 at BPlay.Com. Enjoy!
MARIDIL Not Registered
Posted: May 28, 2009 at 1:49 PM EST
ckoni Not Registered
Posted: June 26, 2009 at 10:47 PM EST
quiero el tema
ckoni Not Registered
Posted: June 26, 2009 at 10:48 PM EST