10 Premium Droidy Theme Contest Winners Announced!

For those of you who have been following, last week we announced a new premium theme by SXN Themes called, Droidy. SXN Themes also offered their theme free to 10 winners who had the best idea for a new theme. We got lots of great submissions but unfortunately could only pick 10 winners. And here they are:

1. TimL -Palm PRE theme

2. bbunderground – ATM ( or BANK MACHINE) theme

3. James – Retro theme

4. jtsdad – “Evening” theme. Professional look.

5. David H – NFL theme –  Non team specific.

6. brayndeded – ‘Planet Earth” theme

7. Suavechef – Patriotic theme

8. JamesJ – An Art theme based on modern and historic art and artists.

9. Bryan – ‘Secret Societies’ Theme

10. garypip -World Map theme

Well there they are! The 10 winners should be receiving an email from SXN Themes with info on how to get their free Droidy theme. We’d like to thank all our readers who got in on the fun and a big thanks to Scott at SXN Themes for the great giveaway! Thanks!

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