Mobipocket Free eBook Reader Beta Now Officially Supports Storm & Bold

mobipocketstorm I have been using the free Mobipocket eBook reader on my BlackBerry every day since they released the application. I read books using it constantly and I was glad to see that development has continued after the release. Josep let me know that Mobipocket has officially extended support for the Bold and Storm in their latest beta. The previous beta worked well on the Bold but only ran in compatibility mode on the Storm which was annoying.

Now if you completely uninstall Mobipocket and reinstall the latest beta as of January 19th you will be able to run without compatibility mode. I have not noticed much of a difference on my Bold but you never know.

Check out the details at the Mobipocket BlackBerry beta page. Desktop downloads can be found at this link and the OTA link is available at the regular website.

via MobileRead Forums via jkOnTheRun

5 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Wierd, the beta for bold doesn’t complete close the application when I selected close. So when I pressed application switcher, the icon stays there and the app is running in background.

  2. Probably my favorite app after viigo. I never would have guessed reading books on my phone would be such a good experience. Plus i’ve found some phenomenal deals. I highly recommend this app.

  3. I’ve had Mobipocket Reader v6.0 – Build 069 for a long time, should I upgrade to this one? or keep the one I have. BB 8130, 4.3.0

  4. So, where do I get a free ebook to try this out on my Storm?

  5. Mobi is great. Love it! But how do I prevent it from starting up when the system boots up?

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