Storm Level Pro Turns Your BlackBerry Into A Tool…

Our buddy Kevin spotted a new app for the Storm by Mobigloo that turns your BlackBerry into a level and a ruler. It uses the accelerometer in the Storm to accomplish this and supposedly works pretty well.

Features include:

  • Calibration for maximum accuracy
  • Level for both vertical and horizontal measures
  • Automatically adjusts to portrait and landscape modes
  • Includes 2 rulers, inches and centimeters

It sells for $4.99 in the store but sadly it has no free trial. This seems like a product that should definitely be tried before you buy so you may want to check the comments on Kevin’s post to see what people think about the app.

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  1. My boss who as an iPhone showed me this app. We always get into discussions about iPhone vs. BlackBerrys. Seems a huge point for iPhones is still the app store. Case and point he showed me this exact app for the iPhone. Even I had to admit it was a pretty cool use the the accelerometer. I’m glad this one should up so quickly, and at a good price, but a trial version would be great.

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