Our buddy Kevin spotted a new app for the Storm by Mobigloo that turns your BlackBerry into a level and a ruler. It uses the accelerometer in the Storm to accomplish this and supposedly works pretty well.
Features include:
- Calibration for maximum accuracy
- Level for both vertical and horizontal measures
- Automatically adjusts to portrait and landscape modes
- Includes 2 rulers, inches and centimeters
It sells for $4.99 in the store but sadly it has no free trial. This seems like a product that should definitely be tried before you buy so you may want to check the comments on Kevin’s post to see what people think about the app.
Nikolaus Not Registered
Posted: January 19, 2009 at 10:43 AM EST
My boss who as an iPhone showed me this app. We always get into discussions about iPhone vs. BlackBerrys. Seems a huge point for iPhones is still the app store. Case and point he showed me this exact app for the iPhone. Even I had to admit it was a pretty cool use the the accelerometer. I’m glad this one should up so quickly, and at a good price, but a trial version would be great.