Premium ‘Metal’ Theme from Elecite.Com

Peter from Elecite let me know about their latest premium theme called ‘Metal‘. I did have the opportunity to test this theme and it runs super great on my Bold, however it’s also available for 8100, 8220, 8300, and 8800 devices (OS 4.5 + higher). Metal, IMO, is one of Elecite’s more ‘calmer’ styled themes and in that, I certainly don’t mean boring. What I mean is that usually their themes have lots of different design accents going on but this theme is simple, elegant and extremely easy to work on your Berry. It’s actually one of my favorite themes of theirs to date. The main screen has 8 user customizable icons that scroll across the bottom and highlights the selected icon in the white box, so you clearly know what icon you are selecting. Speaking of icons, these are some of the most interesting and user-friendly ones I have seen on a theme in a while. Colorful and unique, you’ll get used to them right away. For fonts, Metal uses simple, easy-to-read fonts that work perfectly with the overall theme. This is an extremely well-designed theme all around, both in looks and functionality. Metal is available for $6.99 at Elecite.Com.


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