Premium Brushed Animated Theme – Put your Berry in Lockdown

David over at sent over their latest theme design called ‘Animated Brushed‘ for Blackberry 7130, 8100, 8200, 8300, 8700, 8800 & 9000 devices running OS 4.2 & higher. When he sent me a version to test on my Bold, I wasn’t sure what to expect but actually, it’s pretty nice. By all accounts, it’s a fairly basic theme…with a bottom dock of 6 customizable icons on the brushed metal main screen and not much else really happening. However, if you follow my theme posts at all you know I love wallpaper friendly themes and this one has that  going for it. The best, most notable feature of this theme is the animation that happens when you lock/unlock your device. When you lock it, these bolted steel bars slide out and close up over your screen so it looks like you just put your Berry in ‘lockdown’. (The opposite happens when you unlock it.) It’s a cool feature that might impress a few, although probably not for the price of $9.99, which IMO is too steep for any theme. But hey, that’s just my opinion 😉 Check out the video below and see what you think.

It’s a little tricky trying to get the exact device link here so my suggestion is to go to their shop , select your device and then follow the link to their theme section. From there you should be taken to the appropriate link to your device.

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