I wanted to begin this article by saying thanks to Gergely for his useful weather app. When I first mentioned Gergely Gati’s weather app back in December I got a lot of flack about it not supporting every BlackBerry device. It did work like a charm on my Bold but I guess there were some issues that needed to be ironed out with other devices. Instead of telling us all to take a long walk off a short plank Gergely worked hard to fix the issue and also let us know in the comments that those having problems might want to try the new version in the 240 resolution (Link).
Reports about the new version seem to be positive. Phred from Boston also let me know that he worked with Gergely to help iron out some of the bugs on his 8310 that stopped it from working. I also see on the forums that user Carboss says it now works on his CDMA 8330.
NOTE: If you run into any problems with this new version let us know in the comments and we will do our best to let Gergely know. Please be kind, descriptive, and constructive.
You can find the Weather App on the developers site at this link. OTA install is available at this link: weather.midlets.eu/dwn/. Just make sure to select the right Jar file for the size of your screen. The 320 version works like a charm on my Bold. Gergely recommends trying the 240 version if the 320 version does not work on your device.
Change log for Weather v1.1.18 @ 01/12/2009 08:43 PM
- The Blackberry issue fixed thanks to Phred from Boston
- Added menu based navigation for phones without keyboard
- Error message display when exception occurs
- Sound signal when update completed
Thanks again for the great application Gergely!
jtsdad ( View Profile) - Posts: