HOT! OnToCalendar – Free App Adds Emails To Your Calendar

A bit back there was a commercial app called AddToCalendar that let you add an email as a calendar item with a reminder but that application is no longer available. SoundsLikeObiwan missed this app so he created it himself after discussing it in this thread. Since it was based on some code from RIM he is offering it for free. Its a very slick application that simply adds a menu item to each email that says OnToCalendar… It also has some simple but awesome settings that you can find in the general settings/options of your BlackBerry. This lets you set default reminder

There are two versions available. From what I can tell one works on OS 4.2.1 and older devices (Version 2.X) and one that works on OS 4.5+ devices (Version 3.X). All I can confirm is that the 3.3 version works like a charm on my Bold!

Desktop Install and OTA links can be found at this link. For the 3.3 version just look into the Beta folder at this link.

Thanks a TON SoundsLikeObiwan!!!

You can see some screenshots below:

ontocalendar[1] ontocalendar[2]

ontocalendar[3] ontocalendar[4]

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