Blip – Yet Another Free Location Sharing Geo-Social Application

leftblip When Larry first let me know about Blip I thought it was related to the BlipSocial beta we told you about before. Turns out I was wrong. Blip (aka BlipPlus) is a yet another Geo-Social application for BlackBerry… Interested yet? So far I have not seen anything new that you cannot find in other location networks but I guess it can’t hurt to have yet another. I am just waiting for RIM to include this into BlackBerry Messenger where certain friends can be given access to request your location.

You can find more information about Blip on their website at this link or you can download the application OTA free at this link.

From the release:

BlipPlus offers users a complete experience on the BlackBerry smartphone from installation, account creation, and sharing of location. Users can share their location to others using BlipPlus or friends can create FREE BlackLine account on the web.

blipplusbbBlipPlus allows users to choose the frequency of locations published to BlackLine’s Location Services Platform. Users may choose to have their location updated as frequently as every 15 minutes through to every two hours. At any time, a user may disable location publishing or change friend permissions from within the BlipPlus application. Mapping the location of other BlipPlus users who have shared their location is quick and easy. Locations are displayed within the BlackBerry Maps application in seconds.

BlipPlus incorporates a new Event Publishing feature that allows users to geo-tag and share photos to others. Users can publish photos taken with their phone’s camera and share them to others along with a subject and comment. Friends receive an Event Notification when a new event is published and can view the photo, subject, note, and location online or from within BlipPlus.

Beyond sharing locations to others and enabling them with geographic awareness, BlipPlus is helpful to find a user’s smartphone when misplaced or lost. Overall, BlipPlus increases family efficiency and safety, and enhances the degree of connectedness within social circles.

The BlackLine BlipPlus application is FREE and available for immediate download at

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