Funny! BlackBerry Bold Is The Secret To Winning The Olympics Gold Medal

UPDATE: seems like this is old news. Sorry but it gave me a quick laugh so I thought I would share. Guess I am a bit behind the times. Thanks for the catch Dima Sorry guys I just had to throw in a bit of fun today. Its been slightly boring and technical on the news front. Darren over at CNBC has a sharp eye and noticed something odd about the recent commercials RIM has been running during NFL games. They have somebody texting on a Bold and running the 200-meter dash in 13.05 seconds. This is interesting since this BlackBerry Guy beat the World Record holder Usain Bolt who ran the 200 meters in 19.30 seconds during the Beijing Olympics.

I guess RIM is telling us that all you need is a Bold to take the Gold! 🙂

Check out Darren’s commentary at this link or see the commercial for yourself below

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