Does Your Company Password Protect Your BlackBerry?

Recently a colleague asked me a question that I had no answer for. He was considering implementing a password policy on all of his companies BlackBerrys that he is responsible for and was wondering what other companies are doing. He happens to be working in the retail industry and wanted to know what steps others were taking to secure their mobile devices.

So I thought I would put the question to all our readers:

  • Does your company require password protection on your BlackBerry?
  • What industry do you work in? (Federal, Retail, Financial, etc.)
  • What kind of password or other requirements are implemented? (6 characters, content protection, SD card encryption, etc.)

Sound off in the comments and let us know. Surprisingly RIM does not seem to have any best practices in this regard. The closest I found was a US government NIST document detailing how they require BlackBerry servers and devices to be locked down.

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