Giveaway: Will 2009 be a ‘Berry good year? Share your BlackBerry Resolutions and enter to win awesome prizes from Electric Pocket!

HappyCat Happy New Year! Have you made your New Year Resolutions yet? We at BerryReview want to help you welcome 2009 with a great giveaway from Electric Pocket, the developer of some of the best and most popular BlackBerry apps.

Tell us how you are going to use your BlackBerry to keep your New Year Resolutions in the comments and you’ll be automatically entered to win one of the four Electric Pocket applications listed below. We will be selecting the top 20 winners on January 12th 2009 at 11:59PM EST. These winners will get a copy of one of the applications listed below based on the drawing:

  • Ringo Ringtone Manager – Ringo helps you manage your ringtones by assigning your favorite tones to individual callers or groups of callers and you can also use it to convert your favorite MP3s into ringtones!
  • FlipSide MP3 Player – this MP3 player was what really started attracting users to Electric Pocket …it enables you to swoosh through the album covers of your tune collection and offers the simplest way to pick the music you want to play.
  • PhoneFace speed dialer – lets you flip through pics of your most-called friends and family to launch a call or text message, and it retrieves your friends’ most recent pictures off their Facebook profiles.
  • txtForward – automatically forwards your text messages to an email address that you designate – an excellent tool if you want to keep a record of your SMS conversations.

Time is short, so enter today! We’ll announce the winners next week.

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