Viigo has really been on a roll when it comes to adding new functionality to their beta. Their latest addition is job search functionality to the local interest channel. I know if these troubled economic times you always have to keep an eye on on what jobs are available in your area so this is a perfect tool for doing so. I am not sure what service powers the job search but it looks like it is pretty comprehensive.
To add job search just go to Main Screen>Local Interest>Job Search and enter in your search. Results will be updated after that.
If you don’t already have Viigo you can pick up the latest version by heading to from your BlackBerry or desktop.
jesse Not Registered
Posted: December 19, 2008 at 11:31 AM EST
Hey Ronen.
Another cool feature about this service is if you ’email me’ the article, Viigo attaches the web link where you can ‘one click’ apply for the job. The service is powered by, so it’s worth it to create a account and you’ll truly get a ton of value out of this.
Jesse – Viigo, Product Manager