Free Ubuntu v2.15 Theme for the Blackberry Bold

You might remember the post we did about a previous version of this theme by theme designer ecruz called Ubuntu. If you know ecruz however, you know he is continually trying to improve on his themes 🙂 so of course, he had to find a way to make it better. This version, called Ubuntu v2.15, displays a sunset background with centered bottom dock icons that ‘bounce’ as you move over them. According to ecruz, the 9th icon displays at the top right hand corner, so you can choose one of your most used applications to be placed here. This version is fairly different than the earlier one and perhaps a better take. But that’s for you to decide. In fact, I’m sure ecruz would love to hear your opinions in the comments section. Ubuntu v2.15 is a free OTA download via PimpMyBerry.Com. Thanks for keeping us updated ecruz!


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